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Home ? KAS/CPR190 Half Body CPR Training Manikin
KAS/CPR190 Half Body CPR Training Manikin
  • KAS/CPR190 Half Body CPR Training Manikin

KAS/CPR190 Half Body CPR Training Manikin

KAS/CPR190 Half Body CPR Training Manikin
Detailed description

  Implement standard: 2015 guideline for CPR


  1 .Simulating standard open airway

  2. External breast compression: display device and alarm device;

  a. Indicator light display of correct and wrong compression; alarm of wrong compression;

  b. Intensity display of correct (at least 5cm) and wrong (less than 5cm) compression; alarm of wrong compression.

  3. Artificial respiration (inhalation): display device and alarm device;

  a. Inhalation <500ml or > 600ml, wrong indicator light display and alarm prompting; Inhalation between 500-600ml right indicator light display;

  b. Ratio of compression and artificial respiration: 30:2 (one or two person).

  4.Operating cycle: one cycle includes five times of 30:2 ratio of compression and artificial respiration

  5.Operation frequency: at least 100 times per minute

  6.Operation methods: exercise operation

  7. Examination of pupil response: mydriasis and myosis

  8.Working conditions: Input power is 110-240V

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