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Home ? KAS/CPR188 Half Body CPR Training Manikin
KAS/CPR188 Half Body CPR Training Manikin
  • KAS/CPR188 Half Body CPR Training Manikin

KAS/CPR188 Half Body CPR Training Manikin

KAS/CPR188 Half Body CPR Training Manikin
Detailed description

  Implement standard: 2015 guideline for CPR


  1.Simulate standard open airway

  2.External breast compression, intensity display of correct (at least 5cm):

  a. The yellow indicator light display of correct compression position

  b. Buzzing sound of correct compression intensity, the green indicator light display

  c. Alarming sound of wrong compression intensity, the red indicator light display

  3. Artificial respiration (inhalation): the volume of inhalation is observed through observing the wave of breast;

4,Operation methods: exercise operation

  5. Power supply: battery

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