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Home ? KAS-15/3 Child Trachea Intubation Model
KAS-15/3 Child Trachea Intubation Model
  • KAS-15/3 Child Trachea Intubation Model

KAS-15/3 Child Trachea Intubation Model

KAS-15/3 Child Trachea Intubation Model
Detailed description

KAS-15/3 Child Trachea Intubation Model


1.Realistic anatomy: tongue,pharynx,epiglottis, larynx,
chordae vocals, trachea
2.Oral and nasal intubation
3.Lifelike material
4.Simulate head tilt to operate conveniently
5.Directly observe the expansion of lungs and stomach by insufflating air into the tube and stomach so as to verify if the tube position is right.


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