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Home ? KAS/XW Advance Transparent Gastric Lavage Simulator
KAS/XW Advance Transparent Gastric Lavage Simulator
  • KAS/XW Advance Transparent Gastric Lavage Simulator

KAS/XW Advance Transparent Gastric Lavage Simulator

KAS/XW Advance Transparent Gastric Lavage Simulator
Detailed description
Features :
1.Transparent chest wall, visible of external organs
2.Insertion of gastric tube through mouth or nose: nasal feeding, gastrolavage, haempstasis and gastroscopy operation, simulated gastric fluid can be extracted when the operation is correct; the fluid
in the disgestive tract can be eliminated from body
3.Endoracheal intubation via mouth or nose: Sputum suction and oxygen inhaling, etc
4.Postoperative care for incision of tracheal and oral cavity care
5.Manually generated carotid arterial pulse
6.It can be postured on its back, in the left and sitting position
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